5 things homeowners wish they'd checked before buying

A house viewing is usually an intensely exciting experience for prospective homeowners. Caught in the excitement, most people usually end up making a buying decision after less than thirty minutes of viewing.

Making a rash decision during a house viewing can lead to long-term regrets that will haunt homeowners, to avoid this ensure you make the most of your house viewing process. Before you decide to make an offer on a new home, below are some things you should check to reduce your chances of regret...

5 top things to check before buying a property

1. The doors and windows

For windows and doors, you should check that they have locks that are in line with insurance standards. The preferred locks are mortice locks as these have to be operated by a key, reducing the chance of someone breaking in. Consider whether the windows are thick or double glazed as this will reduce the amount of heat able to escape from your home.

2. Electrics

Electrics are a critical element of a home that require inspection. Inspecting the electrics of the house involves checking to ensure all the light switches are working properly, and that there are enough sockets at the right locations to meet all your needs. Other things to check include faulty connections that could interfere with your insurance and increase the chances of accidents.

3. Radiator

The radiator is responsible for determining if your house will have enough warmth during cold weather. Since there are many different heating systems available, inspect the installed to determine if it is the right size and positioning for you. You also have to consider the cost of maintaining the heating system or replacing it.

4. Dampness

To check for signs of dampness, look at any indications of discolouration and damp stains on walls or areas with peeled or condensed wallpaper. A musty smell will also indicate dampness and if you identify any such signs, seek to know the reason and whether it can be corrected.

5. Plumbing

Check the taps, the toilet flush and the shower to see if they operate efficiently. Test to see is there is enough pressure to regulate the temperature as desired, and the drainage of the sinks and the shower tray. You should also ensure there are no odours from the drains as this indicates a problem with the plumbing system.

By checking the above and more tips, you will shield yourself from disappointments which could end up being costly to fix. For more advice on purchasing property, browse our website for professional insights that will ensure you get the best property deal out there with little regret.

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