Smart Dubai - The City Of The Future


The city of Dubai is the embodiment of the speed at which humans evolve, taking dusty expanses of land and building a progressive modern utopia that is overtaking the leading cities of the world. With its monumental speed of technological and infrastructural advancement, Dubai is moving ahead of its contemporaries by leaps and bounds.

The Smart Dubai 2021 strategy focuses on a bid to make Dubai “the happiest city on earth”, a vision set out by His Highness Sheikh Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Vice-President & Prime Minister of the UAE. The ambition is to prepare Dubai to embrace the future and emerge as a world-leading city by 2021, in celebration of the nation's golden jubilee, by promoting technological advances that benefit the city's people; it's economy; and its resources.

The initiative seeks to harness AI, data, and blockchain in order to drive Dubai’s economy and achieve the ultimate goal of making it entirely paperless. The priority is people's happiness as its ultimate success indicator.

With this vision, the city has transformed itself into a model smart city, revolutionizing the way government services are delivered to its people by launching over 100 smart initiatives and more than 1000 smart services by two dozen government departments and private sector partners in less than three years, increasing the happiness across the city by 3%.

Smart Dubai delivers customer, financial, and resource & infrastructure impact spanning the six city dimensions of smart living, smart economy, smart governance, smart mobility, smart environment, and smart people. To achieve this impact, Smart Dubai 2021 has established six strategic objectives.

  • Smart Living

  • Smart Economy

  • Smart People

  • Smart Mobility

  • Smart Environment

  • Smart Governance

Since its inception, the Smart Dubai Office has launched over 130 initiatives in partnership with government and private sector entities. Some key initiatives include -


In 2021, Dubai government will go completely paper-free, eliminating more than 1 billion pieces of paper used for government transactions every year.


To help Dubai achieve the vision of H.H. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum by making "Dubai [will be] the first city fully powered by Blockchain by 2020" and make Dubai the happiest city on earth. The strategy will use 3 strategic pillars Government Efficiency, Industry Creation, and International Leadership.


To transform the UAE into the new testbed for startups and entrepreneurs to innovate and scale emerging technologies.


By transforming the future of Dubai through smart technology and innovation, to make Dubai the happiest city on earth. 


To reach widespread agreement and adoption of commonly-agreed policies to inform the ethical use of AI not just in Dubai but around the world.


Dubai's first Artificial Intelligence (AI) Smart Lab that accelerates its way towards becoming the smartest city of the world.


An international network of smart-city stakeholders that connects cities and offers a comprehensive global platform for exchanging views, insights and ideas on the best mechanisms to create Smart Cities of the future.

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