How to make your rental home eco-friendly?


When making big changes to your rental home is not possible, here is how you can contribute to the environment smartly -

Grow plants, make a garden

  • Pot your plants. They are easy to move when you do

  • If you have a patch of land, turn it into a kitchen garden and grow your own vegetables & herbs

  • If you have less space, place plant pots on windowsills, balconies, or even hang them

Use the AC smartly

  • Draw blinds or curtains in the summer afternoons to keep the heat out

  • Open the windows when it’s breezy outside and the opposite room door to cross-ventilate

  • Avoid setting the AC temperature below 24 degree Celsius to save more energy

Use ceiling or pedestal fans

They help with improving airflow, making you use the AC less.

Wash your clothes in cold water

Avoid the hot wash cycle on your washing machine. Switch to cold washes and save more water and energy.

Air-dry your clothes

If you have an open space, put up a cloth-line and save the electricity consumed by the dryer.

Invest in Greener homewares

  • Opt for recycled or reused furniture

  • Choose sustainable fabrics

  • Use either glass or metal water bottles 

  • Avoid using plastic storage containers

Waste management & recycling

  • Use separate bins for dry and wet kitchen waste

  • Wet wastes like fruit and vegetable peels and eggshells can be used for composting

  • Paper waste like empty delivery packages, cartons etc can be recycled easily

  • Use your community’s waste recycle bins effectively

Use LED lighting

LED technology converts approx 95% energy into light and only 5% wasted as heat. They are also UV rays free and long-lasting.

Unplug electric appliances when not in use

  • Household electronics consume up to 75% of the electricity sent to them while they are turned off

  • Switching off isn’t enough. Always unplug

Keep the refrigerator clean

Keep the vents and fan on your refrigerator clean, which allows it to function more efficiently.

Clean or replace AC filters periodically

  • Dirty filters are not only a health hazard but they put more strain on the system

  • Clean or replace the filters to save money and energy

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