About this property
fäm Properties has been mandated to rent this fully-furnished, top-floor apartment, specifically to the carefree type of person. If that describes you, this home is going to bowl you over.
First of all there's the list price of AED 64,999 a year with 1 cheque. Up to 4 cheques possible with higher price.
Then there's the economical space, around 771 sqft and full of soft sunlight.
There's also the:
* 1 ensuite
* Lavish living room, ideal for romantic moments
* Creatively-proportioned horseshoe kitchen with its breakfast counter, ideally suited for knocking up a fresh salad
* 1 basement car park space
* And a private swimming pool, which means edge sitting, feet dipping.
Last but not least, there is the veranda with its view that looks out to an unimpeded panorama.
You are advised to view the property as soon as possible. Pick up the phone and call me to find out more information.