Samana Barari Lagoons, Majan FAQs.

These are some of the most frequently asked questions and answers about Samana Barari Lagoons in Majan, Dubai.

  • Where is the location of Samana Barari Lagoons?

    Samana Barari Lagoons is located in Majan. Visit Samana Barari Lagoons location map.
  • What are the available amenities in Samana Barari Lagoons?

    CCTV Cameras, Central A/C, Gym, Landmark View, Shared Pool
  • What are the available views in Samana Barari Lagoons?

    Community View
  • What are the nearby schools to Samana Barari Lagoons?

    Bilingual French International School L.L.C-Fz, Dubai Schools Corporation Nad Alshiba L.L.C., Gems First Point School L.L.C, Gems International School Al Khail L.L.C, Gems New Millennium School L.L.C, Gems Wellington Academy -Fze, Gems Wellington Academy Al Khail L.L.C, Gems Winchester School, Jumeirah English Speaking School (Br), Kings School Al Barsha L.L.C, Lycee Libanais Francophone Prive Meydan L.L.C - Fz, Rashid And Latifa School, Repton Al Barsha Fz-Llc, Safa Community School, The Aquila School, The Fifth Dimension Elementary School L.L.C, The Indian International School (Dso Branch)
  • Who are the top agents to sell, list, and rent in Samana Barari Lagoons?

    Deepak Negi, Faris Abdelwahab Ahmed, Karthika Mohan, Nader Riad Mosrie, Rana Hammad, Tolgahan Aydemir
  • Is Samana Barari Lagoons good investment in Dubai?

    We are yet to publish the investment study of Samana Barari Lagoons. In the meantime, please feel free to contact on of our top property consultants.
  • Is Samana Barari Lagoons Dubai a good place to live?

  • Who is the developer or owner of Samana Barari Lagoons Dubai?

    The developer or owner of Samana Barari Lagoons Dubai is Samana Developers .
  • When is the delivery or completion date of Samana Barari Lagoons in Dubai?

    The completion date of Samana Barari Lagoons Dubai is March 31, 2028.