Al Rawda 2, Al Rawda FAQs.

These are some of the most frequently asked questions and answers about Al Rawda 2 in Al Rawda, Dubai.

  • Where is the location of Al Rawda 2?

    Al Rawda 2 is located in Al Rawda. Visit Al Rawda 2 location map.
  • What is the starting price of Al Rawda 2?

    The starting price for the Al Rawda 2 is 3,000,000.
  • What are the available views in Al Rawda 2?

    Community View
  • Is Al Rawda 2 good investment in Dubai?

    We are yet to publish the investment study of Al Rawda 2. In the meantime, please feel free to contact on of our top property consultants.
  • Is Al Rawda 2 Dubai a good place to live?
