AA T - via Google
I truly recommend Alexey Troyan and Anna Troyan for their professional approach and deep knowledge of the real estate market in Dubai.
Vladimir Okhrimenko - via Google
Alex Troyan and Anna Troyan are exceptional professionals in the Dubai real estate market. Their in-depth market analysis is both thorough and insightful, and their ability to convey complex information with clarity and expertise is remarkable. They’re intelligent, articulate, and truly dedicated to providing valuable, well-researched advice. I highly recommend them to anyone looking for top-tier real estate guidance.
Jerry Maguire - via Google
Thanks to Anna Troyan and Alexei Troyan I have got the best information to buy elite properties in Dubai Palm. Will definetly revert to actual purchase soon
Muradi Bregvadze - via Google
(Translated by Google) A big thank you to Alex Troyan, who provided a detailed analysis of real estate purchases with a Dubai specifics in mind. He proved himself to be a true professional, for which I thank him very much, and I can confidently recommend everyone to use Alex Troyan's work. (Original) უღრმესი მადლობა Alex Troyan რომელმაც დაწვრილებითი ანალიზი დადო უძრავი ქონების შესყიდვების თაობაზე დუბაის სპეციფიკის გათვალისწინებით.მან გამოიჩინა თავი როგორც ნამდვილმა პროფესიონალმა რისთვისაც უხდი დიდ მადლობას, შემიძლია თამამად გაუწიო ყველა ადამიანს რეკომენდაცია რათა ისარგებლონ Alex Troyan ის მუშაობით.
Alex Den - via Google
(Translated by Google) I bought an apartment with them. Impeccable work! Agent Alexey Troyan speaks several languages, including Russian. Overall very pleased! I recommend it to everyone! (Original) Покупал аппартментс с ними. Безупречная работа! Агент Алексей Троян говорит на нескольких языках, в том числе на русском. Вообщем очень доволен! Всем рекомендую!