Dubai plots prices, 2024.

Examine Dubai's 2024 plot prices compared to earlier time periods. Discover market trends with our real-time data to help you make your next move. Our main goal is to provide as much market information as possible, to give you the knowledge and confidence you need to progress with your home buying and investments.

Dubai property market
(year to date) 2024 vs. 2023.

Best areas to buy plots in Dubai

AreaSold plotsAverage price
Wadi Al Safa 7695AED 8.2M
Wadi Al Safa 5523AED 5.3M
Damac Hills387AED 4.1M
Jabal Ali First383AED 4.8M
Madinat Al Mataar360AED 7M
Jabel Ali Hills333AED 2.3M
Wadi Al Safa 2318AED 9.3M
Dubai Hills185AED 16M
Jumeirah Park174AED 7.7M
Jumeirah Village Circle174AED 4.5M