How to get 5-year Visa in UAE?

Eligibility :

  1.  Minimum 5 million (fully paid, not mortgaged) worth property (more than one property also will accept) under the applicant name .
  2.  Person must be inside UAE


Steps of Procedure :

  1. Medical fitness test .
  2. Hold the family visa / Cancel the family visa .
  3. Cancel the visa for the applicant.
  4. Visa Stamping (For 5 Years) .
  5. Emirates ID (For 5 Years).
  6. Un hold visa for family .


Requirements :

  1. Title deed .
  2. Passport .
  3. Old Emirates ID .
  4. Photograph .
  5. Health insurance .


Fees :

  1. Medical (VIP) – 753 AED .
  2. EID (5 Years) – 572.50 AED .
  3. New (5 Years) visa – 888.75 AED .
  4. Management Fees – 100 AED .

Total – 2314.25 AED
File Opening for Dependent Visa – AED 318.75
Note: The fees doesn’t include health insurance

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